Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tagged by Mierah

1. What's your most favourite colour?

2. Who is the most important to you?
My family and friends

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
Once in a blue moon

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Me? Now that is a joke

5. How many babies you want?
I don't know

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

7. What is your goal for this year?
The year's almost ending and I can't achieve a goal within one month. Typical MT.

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
It has to depend on the situation. =.=

9. Do you think that the person who tag you, like to play kidnapping?
Mi-mie-rah kidnap me? Creepy...

10. What are you really afraid of?

11. What is your bad habit?

12. Do u have a secret crush?

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

14. What does flying means to you?
Being able to be free and escape from the police or FBI when I am hunted plus travelling across the globe

15. What do you craheys

16. Are you single/relationship?
It's complicated.

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
Great friend
Twisted in an interesting way

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?

19. What is your little wish? (as in little stuff like dying your hair orange and stuff)
Sitting on Virgin Airways first class

20. If you were given a chance to write a book, what would you write about and the title of the book is?
"The Gap between East Malaysians and West Malaysians" as in sometimes, being a Sarawakian or from Borneo, people question whether you still live in trees and whether your clothes are made out of tree barks.

Instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

Gabrielle Tan
Eu Fern


I am not particularly ambitious in life, in fact, you might say I have no direction at all. Sad ain't it?

Like fishes, I have not made up my mind to meet with your purposes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Holidays usually mean more time to go online and at least publish post three times in a week but so far I am stuck at the shop. And my week's income went to buying Brisingr and yes, I finally bought it. It was hard to convince my parents that the book was actually interesting and worth buying. Haven't started reading it yet though.

I have not compelled myself to boredom just yet. The list of things I felt needed to be put on the entertainment accomplishment list.

a) Watched all of the Indiana Jones movies and absolutely loved it.

b) Read the first book in the Artemis Fowl series. Actually it's quite a good read and who thought fairies could be so violent. I particularly liked the line at the back of the book saying, "Stay back, human. You don't know what you're dealing with". Might continue. Can't believe what I have missed out for so many years.

c) Painting flowers with watercolour. Brings out the worse in me especially the part where my hand goes clumsy and starts blotching the flowers. Crimson red or cerulean blue.

d) Running back and forth from Benzamine to E-mal. Great exercise!

Sadly, those were the things I have only done within the two weeks holiday. I was planning to learn html but I haven't gotten the IGSCE book yet. And thank goodness, I've my little sister to accompany and make me laugh my guts out throught this very boring two months!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


My mother thinks she gets the headaches because of my horrible piano playing. But! I've found the real factor behind those major headaches and it's not exactly that.

My piano teacher asked me one day did my mother enjoy my music. Obviously, no. She asked why. So, I told her that my mother always complained and still complains about the headache that approaches after that. So this is my teacher's logic explanation, sound can be absorbed, right? (as we learn in Science)

My parents placed the piano in front of a wall which actually reflects the sound back into the room with tiled floors and walls without any carpets. The sound vibration hits the wall and reflects back to the living room, amplifying the music by at least three times.

Ways to solve this problem:

Option 1: Put a cloth behind the piano. Not approved *dibantah* by my mother as she believes
lizards will do its business behind there and dirty the place sadly. It was a pretty good
option though.

Option 2: Shift the piano. Indecisive about this option. We don't know where to move it cause
once you decide, there's no turning back! The heaviness doesn't help either.
My sister suggested the other end of the living room but it would still be the same and
the office won't work too. The other room is too small to fit in the piano. So, I
suggested the toilet.... XD Rather insane but apparently it has better acoustics. I mean
why not, since its huge and produces a "not so loud" sound that doesn't bring pain to
my mother's ears.

Piano + Toilet: Great music

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

End of School

I am slightly happy but also sad. I'll miss Sharon and Martha (geng apek), sitting next to Eu Fern, getting the green book, the water cooler, Amirah's hilarious comments, Sabrina's relevations on Chinese History and so much more. I can't believe it's end of the school session and before you know it, you're seeing little greenish purple (depends on your eye) fluoroscent globules in front of you from the camera.

Disclaimer: This pictures belong tom Martha. No infringement.

Sharon, Debra, Martha and Esterene

The people who lift 2A1's spirit

Valerie, Christine and Audrey

Sweet and funny people

Brenda, Phoebe and Jessie

My neighbours on my right side

Pan Eu Fern

Just nextdoor neighbour

Sharon, Martha, Farah, Josephine, Ezzah (my efficient class monitor), Faizah and Sabrina

Goodbye 2A1 and miss you guys already!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Band Camp 2008

I didn' manage to take any pictures *sobs* but the memories are definitely there. I was in Strawberry.

Strawberry Sundae! was our group name

Pink is not my exactly my favourite colour but strawberry rocks! First, we had an ice-breaking session which was entertaining with the charades. We learned a few new pieces during band practice e.g. Tuxedo Junction (awesome) and three fanfares.

Then, it was time for Night Factor. Although being tied up, taped on the mouth and blindfolded wasn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world, it was fun. The screaming, banging of the tables and stepping own my foot wasn't scary nor entertaining.
I am too lazy to describe it in detail about the next two days so I am going to summarize it. Marching practice. Band practice. More band practice. Station Games. Eat. Sleep. Bandana fashionshow and group cheer. Band Practice again. Finally, the performance attended by parents with a slideshow from the committee. Hope we didn't look sad this time!
Sit Tall and Smile plus Sign Language

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


School is boring nowadays. Exams are over and we have practically nothing to do except laze around and talk. I mean the talking part is great but won't you ever get tired of talking? And on record, I slept in class today. Amazing. I never slept in class no matter how tiresome things get.

Sharon and Martha invented the "cardboard" cards to past their free time and what a success it was!

It's a sad thing I didn't get a picture of their extremely innovative card. The only mild assumption was it was hard to shuffle and proved to be a difficult task for anyone with small hands. First we played "Hantu" then "Speed". Finally, with almost 10 people joining, we played "Heart Attack!". I remember these games used to be everyones' obsession after UPSR. Sadly, secondary school doesn't actually allow you to bring "alat permainan" to school.

But the Rubik's cube is allowed. No wonder everyone's fondling over it...

I don't blame anyone. With the boredom and a tempting colourful cube, anything can go wrong.
Another innovative idea was the guy beatboxing and playing the flute to the Flight of the Bumbleee at the same time. Now, that's what I call insane. For me, playing it on the piano is bad enough and beatboxing? I must have a super brain that controls the coordination perfectly or receive rather bad reviews from anybody who heard me do it.
So I believe Kemahiran Hidup/Living Skills has everything to do with this?
Being innovative, creative and an oppurtunist is your path to being an entrepreneur as they always right in the back of the textbook.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Latest Obssesions

I have found some amazing performances or video clips or whatsoever you call it on Youtube. It has become my obsession. It's mostly classical music but with more of a modern twist.

Taro Hakase & Iwao Furusawa-Swingin' Bach
The Dynamic Duo
J.S. Bach would love it if he was still alive today

Li Yundi-Chopin Piano Concerto No.1 2nd movement
He may look stress while playing the piano but he's definitely one of a kind

Maksim Mcvirca-Cubana Cubana
Also a pianist with super fast fingers that travel along the keys without breaking a single sweat.
Unlike me, I sound like the elephant desperately attempting to chase a deer.

And I added this for fun since Maksim looked emo here.

Somewhere In Time