Sunday, November 9, 2008

Band Camp 2008

I didn' manage to take any pictures *sobs* but the memories are definitely there. I was in Strawberry.

Strawberry Sundae! was our group name

Pink is not my exactly my favourite colour but strawberry rocks! First, we had an ice-breaking session which was entertaining with the charades. We learned a few new pieces during band practice e.g. Tuxedo Junction (awesome) and three fanfares.

Then, it was time for Night Factor. Although being tied up, taped on the mouth and blindfolded wasn't exactly the most exciting thing in the world, it was fun. The screaming, banging of the tables and stepping own my foot wasn't scary nor entertaining.
I am too lazy to describe it in detail about the next two days so I am going to summarize it. Marching practice. Band practice. More band practice. Station Games. Eat. Sleep. Bandana fashionshow and group cheer. Band Practice again. Finally, the performance attended by parents with a slideshow from the committee. Hope we didn't look sad this time!
Sit Tall and Smile plus Sign Language

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