Tuesday, November 11, 2008

End of School

I am slightly happy but also sad. I'll miss Sharon and Martha (geng apek), sitting next to Eu Fern, getting the green book, the water cooler, Amirah's hilarious comments, Sabrina's relevations on Chinese History and so much more. I can't believe it's end of the school session and before you know it, you're seeing little greenish purple (depends on your eye) fluoroscent globules in front of you from the camera.

Disclaimer: This pictures belong tom Martha. No infringement.

Sharon, Debra, Martha and Esterene

The people who lift 2A1's spirit

Valerie, Christine and Audrey

Sweet and funny people

Brenda, Phoebe and Jessie

My neighbours on my right side

Pan Eu Fern

Just nextdoor neighbour

Sharon, Martha, Farah, Josephine, Ezzah (my efficient class monitor), Faizah and Sabrina

Goodbye 2A1 and miss you guys already!

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