Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rush Hour

I am definitely not talking about "Rush Hour" the movie but more of my home rush hour. My mum's busy preparing for a talk and she regrets it so much, I see her moaning in front of the laptop. Just one thing, my mum absolutely dislikes computers or anything that has to do with technology. Sighing about her Powerpoint, I decided to lend my helping hand but instead...
It's not exactly my fault. The night before, I was halfway asleep and I can't even remember what was I doing. My mum asked me to cut and paste those silly diagrams into the slide presentation. Silly, dumb diagrams. She didn't even tell me I had to separate the diagrams.
In the end, she cut out all the diagrams and paste them onto a white piece of paper. Then, sent it for photostating. It could have been that simple. Gosh, and all that trouble. Apparently, she's doing this for charity. I hate to see stressed out people especially my mum, she definitely can blow you away.
If you have read Sabrina's blog, probably she has mentioned the next year's Prefect Council for afternoon session.
Rebecca is officially our new Head Prefect.

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